V12 – Respect and obey spiritual leaders.
V13 – Be at peace among yourselves.
V14 – 1) Warn those who are unruly.
2) Comfort the fainthearted.
3) Uphold the weak.
4) Patience with all.
V15 – Love and kindness to rule. Do not retaliate.
V16 – Joy to be the constant experience.
V17 – Prayer to be the constant attitude.
V18 – Giving thanks in all things as the Lord leads.
Verses 19-22. 1) Do not quench the Spirit.
2) Do not despise prophecies.
3) Hold fast what is good.
4) Abstain from every form of evil.
Verses 23-24 – Sanctification.
Verses 25-28. 3 Requests and a final Blessing.