12 World
Disaster Events.

June to date – Yellowstone Earthquake swarm, total of 2,537 and counting plus 123 wildfires in various locations. 

August 25th – Hurricane Harvey, Texas.

August 29th – Monsoon Floods, Southeast Asia and India.

September 3rd – Earthquake, North Korea. (Manmade!)

September 4th – Solar Flares from Sun affecting our weather.

September 6-9th – Hurricane Irma, Caribbean.

September 8th – Earthquake, Mexico.

September 9th – Earthquake, Japan.

September 9th – Hurricane Katia, Mexico

September 10th – Earthquake Swarm, Idaho (Not normal!)

September 10-11th – Hurricane Irma, Florida.

October 4th – In 1 day 51 earthquakes were recorded around the

World in various countries. From 2.1 to 5.2 in magnitude.   Source: The official EMSC earthquake site.

The Lord Yeshua (Jesus) warns us –

“For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.”        Mark 13:8.