3 Everlasting Promises.


1) Everlasting LoveJeremiah 31:3.


          ‘The Lord hath appeared of old unto me,

          saying,’ “Yea I have loved thee with an

          everlasting love, therefore with loving

          kindness have I drawn thee.”


2) Everlasting StrengthIsaiah 26:4.


          ‘Trust ye in the Lord forever for in

          Adonai Yehovah is everlasting strength.’


3) Everlasting LifeJohn 6:47.


          “Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that

          believeth on Me have everlasting life.”


Eternal Chains for Sinners.


The Gates of Hell are opened to admit those who die unrepentant.                                                                                                  Luke 16:22-23.

1)       Rejecting God – bondage with Satan.   2 Peter 2:4. Jude 6.


2)       Stripes for evil deeds – degrees of pain.   Luke 12:47-48.


3)       Weeping and gnashing of teeth – heartache and anguish of soul.

                                                                                Matthew 22:13.


4)       Cast into outer darkness – the loss of God’s light, life, love and liberty.   Matthew 8:12; 25:30.



5)       The Lake of Fire – eternal misery and eternal separation.

                                                                      Revelation 20:13-15.