3 Women In The N.T.


‘Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through EVERY city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities (sicknesses) – Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and MANY others who provided for Him (and the 12) from their substance.
Luke 8:1-3.
Here we see an attitude of gratitude. Here we see servant hearts and a desire to comfort through giving. 3 sisters we can all learn from.

1) Mary Magdalene – before she met The Messiah of all (The Anointed One) her life was one of madness and misery because of the demons in her.
She had already been healed by Yeshua so her life had changed!
Now she followed now she served. Mary was a disciple, she didn’t flee except John, Peter stood afar off. Mary on the morning of her Lord and Saviour’s resurrection was at the tomb. Ready to minister.

2) Joanna – she had access to Herod’s palace along with her husband Chuza BUT she chose to be with Yeshua. She is mentioned again in Luke’s Gospel, as a witness who heard and saw the Risen Lord. We will meet her in Glory.

3) Susanna – the third to be healed.
All three women helped financially to support Yeshua’s ministry including the twelve talmidim.
Jesus gave these women recognition for their love and their given.

Any Bible teaching is enhanced by the meaning of names:-
Yeshua – Yehovah is Salvation.
Luke – Light giving.
Herod – no meaning! (All the Herod’s were men of this world….)
Mary – strong.
Chuza – little jug.
Joanna – God given.
Susanna – lily.

So all three women show us they were strong, God given and a lily of the valley in type. Pure and sweet smelling in word and deed.

They reflected the life of our blessed Redeemer, strong in character and faith, God given to save us and a sweet fragrance in the valley of tears!