4 Bible Studies on Backsliding.


1) The Characteristics, Consequences and Correction of Backsliding.

Reading: Haggai 1:1-15.

Key verse: Haggai 1:7.

Thus says the Lord of Hosts: “Consider your ways!”

Key thought: For the Jews the Babylonian exile was now behind them and the work of rebuilding the temple could start. Sadly however, having started the work it was still not finished after 16 years! They had let personal affairs interfere with God’s business so Haggai preaches several fiery messages to stir up the nation. In this we can see that believers are to push on to build and to finish the race set before them. Backsliding is something we are to be wary of and there are several examples for us to learn from so it does not affect us.


New Testament References:

Seek ye first the kingdom of God – Matthew 6:33.

Leaving our first love – Revelation 2:4.


This Prophecy was to those who had had zeal for the Lord (they had left relative prosperity in Babylon to return to the Land of Yisrael). They had a vision and without one we can suffer, lose heart, and sadly become lukewarm.

Characteristics of backsliding –

Reasons/excuses – verse 2.

Worldliness – verse 4.

Consequences of backsliding –

Life is a struggle – verse 6.

Failing to see God at work in our lives – verses 9-11.

Correction of backsliding –

Hear the word of God – verse 1.

Accept the word of God – verse 12.

Reconsider our ways – verses 5, 7.

Regain the fear of the Lord – verse 12.

Consequences of returning to the Lord – God is glorified – verse 8 and also

God is with us – verse 13.

Our closing thought is – ‘In Him we live and move and have our being.’ Amen.



2) A Message to Backsliders.

 Key verses to study – Jeremiah chapter 3.


  1. A loving invitation – Jeremiah 3:12a.


  1. A gracious promise – Jeremiah 3:12b.


  1. A necessary confession – Jeremiah 3:13.


  1. Additional promises from the Lord – Jeremiah 3:14.


  1. A guarantee to bring about growth – Jeremiah 3:15.



 3) The Results of Backsliding.


Key verses to study – Ruth chapter 1.


  1. It is a Harmful Example to family and friends – Ruth 1:1. Romans 14:7.


  1. It causes the Formation of Forbidden alliances, the unequal yoke –  Ruth 1:4. Deuteronomy 7:3-4.
  1. It causes the Shortening of Life on earth – Ruth 1:3, 5. 1 Cor 11:30-32.
  1. It brings about Declension and Spiritual poverty – Ruth 1:21.

We may now note the 4 sorrowful definitions of backsliding –

To lapse into bad habits or vices from a state of virtue within religious faith.

To relapse into sinful behaviour, or undesirable activities.

To go back to doing something bad when you have been doing something good.

To depart from a good confession of faith and from the ethical standards prescribed for God’s people in the Scriptures.

Galatians 5:7. Who has deceived you so that you have turned from what is right? You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?

We are to examine ourselves and keep the Faith – Forsaking All I Trust Him.  

4) The Spiritual Losses of Backsliders.

 Psalm 51 – 6 Key Points.


  1. The Loss of Heart Purity –

‘Blot out’ – verse 1.

‘Wash me’ – verse 2 and 7.

‘Cleanse me’ – verse 2.

‘Purge me’ – verse 7.

‘Create in me a clean heart’ – verse 10.


  1. The Loss of Divine Fellowship – verse 11.


  1. The Loss of the Joy of Salvation – verse 12.
  1. The Loss of the Power to Witness – verse 13.
  1. The Loss of the Desire to Worship – verses 14-16.
  1. The Loss of Concern for God’s Interests – verse 18.

It is a simple case of seeing that we are all in a spiritual battle, the Devil and the World will try to leaven us with their ways which are the exact opposite of God’s Way seen in our blessed Redeemer, Saviour the Lord Yeshua/Jesus who is the Author and Perfector of our Faith being the Way, the Truth and the Life.

8 Scriptural Teachings to keep –


We are to be a praying people in every season of our lives.

We are to stand fast and to hold fast.

We are to keep the faith once and for all delivered.

We are to look up as our redemption draweth nigh.

We are a people of light and not of the darkness.

We are to encourage one another.

We are to finish the race set before us.

We are to trust and obey for there is no other way. Amen.