6 Things that Accompany our Salvation.

Proposition:   The word accompany has a twofold meaning:-

The first meaning is to go with someone – We can all see immediately that this our Lord and Saviour Yeshua/Jesus.

The second is – to be provided for or to exist at the same time as something.

Key verse:             Hebrews 6:9. But beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner.


Teaching:              Let us note that 6 is the number of man, so we have 6 points within the Scriptures to show us this.

The mission of John the Baptist was to be the herald for Jesus.

This teaches us how to maintain our salvation by following.

His ways and His pathway of righteousness. We can all slip at times and so David is seeking restoration, wanting to be happy and being upheld by the Lord. Useful to his God v13.

Here we see thanksgiving in v13 and devotion in v14.

Now we see ongoing joy because of personal joy in v2.

Chapter 12 is a Hymn of Praise within its 6 verses….

There is a hint of the Millennium in verses 3-5 and so there will be wisdom and knowledge for a 1,000 years. This comes from reverential fear of the Lord reigning with a rod of iron!

In this verse we see the riches of the glory and the mystery, it is Christ in you ‘the hope of glory’. Hallelujah.

Eph 1:18. It is all about the hope we have in His calling and in our inheritance as saints. We have been forgiven, set free from the bondage of sin. We have a sure hope and promise. Amen.

To anchor these 6 teachings in us we can quote verse 11 of Hebrews chapter 6.

‘And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end.’

It is truly a sure hope, sealed in the promise of our Lord that we have eternal life in Him, for this is the promise of our God.

Amen and amen.

Two key words Divine and Riches – NB. It is the plural form.

The number 4 is an earth related number. (North, South, East and West. 4 Seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.)


  1. The Riches of Grace – Ephesians 1:7.
  2. The Riches of Mercy – Ephesians 2:4.
  3. The Riches of Goodness – Romans 2:4.
  4. The Riches of Glory – Philippians 4:19.