7 Valleys in Scripture and their Life Lessons

1) HebronGenesis 13:18. The name means Alliance.
It is here that Abram built an altar to the Lord. God made a promise to him to walk the Land for it was being given to him and his descendants. Yeshua has made an alliance with us to inherit eternal life.

2) EscholNumbers 32:9. The name means a Valley of Grapes.
It would become a place of fruitfulness for Israel as they conquered the land west of the Jordan. But doubts to begin with caused Moses problems through the proposal of the sons of Gad and Reuben. If you doubt you lose so it has to be forward ever forward.
We have to have a vision of victory.

3) Elah1 Samuel 17:2. The name means Oak.
Associated with human pride. Goliath met his match in this valley when David met him armed with heavenly protection and wisdom.
In 1 Samuel 21:9 David takes Goliath’s sword from a priest when he flees from Saul to Gath.

4) Berachah2 Chronicles 20:26. The name means Blessing.
When King Jehoshaphat faced a huge army he bowed before the Lord with the Levites and all Judah and Jerusalem and prayed. The Lord then set ambushes against their enemies. We learn once again that the battle belongs to the Lord.

5) BacaPsalm 84:6. The name means Weeping.
This is the pilgrim’s story of dwelling in the House of the Lord but having to pass through this valley associated with tears. But they make it a spring and the rain covers it with pools. Weeping is only for a night as in verse 7 they go from strength to strength and each one appears before God in Zion. Our salvation is secured in Him.

6) AchorHosea 2:15. The name means Trouble.
The Hebrews had trouble in Egypt but the Lord brought them out. In this verse God promises His people they shall sing once again with joy as They call Him ‘Ishi’ My Husband. God’s mercy will come upon Israel.

7) JehoshaphatJoel 3:12. The name means Judgment.
This is the Valley where the Lord will destroy the enemies of His People.
Yeshua as Lord will enter into righteous judgment against the nations who come against His Covenant People.
At this present time we are to “Comfort, yes, comfort My people”, (literally into the heart) says your God. Isaiah 40:1.
In Hebrew “Nachamu, nachamu ami, Yisrael ahuvi.” Comfort, comfort My people, Israel My beloved.”
We are commanded to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – Psalm 122:6.
May we all continue to do this till He Comes. “Bo Yeshua, bo.” (Come Jesus Come).

We have learnt once again that ‘All Scripture …… is profitable’ Amen.