4 Birds That
Symbolise Life

Let us trace this picture of life –

1. The Vulture – the symbol of death.
After Adam and Eve sinned death came upon them and all others who were now separated from their Creator God.
When we examine Leviticus 11:14 we see that the Lord God pronounced this bird as unclean. It consumes that which is dead and rotting. It therefore teaches us a solemn message.
Look at humans and animals in a dry and thirsty land, above them the vulture follows and waits.
Some die and some live, a picture of life as all will die from whatever. (Thirst, hunger, disease, wars, murder, accidents or old age).
The wages of sin is death – Romans 6:23. We did not create ourselves so death leads to judgement – Hebrews 9:27 and eternal separation from God. Evolution is a lie, the soul and body that sins will die! The spirit will live on in either Heaven or Hell.
BUT the Lord God Almighty having created man and knew what freewill would do set in place a rescue plan before the foundation of the world. That plan was the 1st Coming of our Lord Jesus and the Gospel (the Good News) of salvation. Sin, Death, Hell and the Devil would be defeated, Jesus rose from the dead.

2) The Dove – the symbol of Peace.
The Dove returned to Noah and his family with the olive leaf, read Genesis 8:7-12. God was telling Noah that the judgement of the Flood had past, however, the flood of sinful rebellion, greed and violence in due course started again so God would in His grace and mercy give mankind a way out.
This involved at the right time in history His only begotten Son, holy, pure and true (being innocent) to come and die, to then rise from the dead to show there is life beyond the grave. The truth of God’s perfect Word rings out from the pages of the Holy Bible in all matters!
‘There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus’. Romans 8:1.
We too can, like the dove bring a message of peace to others! For there is peace with God through our Lord Jesus the Messiah. Romans 5:1.

3) The Swan – the symbol of Purity.
(Also of Beauty, Grace, Love and Elegance as well as marital fidelity having only one partner in life.)
This bird being a spotless beauty of white gives us an allegorical picture of purity that comes to us through the shed Blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7.
Christ will have a spotless Bride in white garments at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The first bird reminds us of our sin, the second takes us to the Cross (made from wood as with Noah’s Ark).
We must understand that all the rains of judgement fell on the Ark, not on those who were inside. Those outside all perished. This is the truth of the matter for those outside of God’s plan and purposes. He has the right to make the rules and we have no right to break them. We do so to our own cost and judgement! But if we are saved death has lost its sting, every stain of sin has gone if we believe in Jesus and keep the Faith.

4) The Owl – the symbol of Wisdom.

We are to be as wise as an owl as the saying goes. God’s desire is that we should be wise unto salvation through His Word.
Yeshua/Jesus is the Word of God who came in the likeness of man BUT without sin. He is wise and true, the only Way, the Truth and the Life.
Wisdom is not only knowing about things BUT acting upon the knowledge that Jesus is the great Deliverer, Saviour and Lord of life.
We should not live life without wisdom. See Proverbs 1:2-5; 3:13-18; 4:5-9.
‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding’ – Proverbs 9:10.

When we pray for others the Lord takes away the darkness and gives understanding. Salvation truly belongs to our God who sits on The Throne. We are chosen, called, challenged, consecrated, commissioned and then committed unto Jesus Christ as Lord. Be blessed and be fruitful. Amen.