4 Types of Gates.
And 4 Types of Men.


  1. The Gates of Death –


  1. a) Job did not have a full understanding. Job 38:17-21.
  2. b) Fools because of their transgression draw near. Psalm 107:17-18.
  3. c) God lifted David out of them. Psalm 9:13.
  4. d) The Son of God, the Conqueror, entered them. John 10:11, 17-18;19:30.
  5. e) The Son of Man, the Deliverer, came out of them. Hebrews 2:14-15.


  1. The Gates of Heaven –


  1. a) The believer enters through them. John 14:3.
  2. b) Our Lord has already passed through them. Hebrews 9:22-25.


  1. The Gates of Hell –


  1. a) Opened to admit those who die unrepentant. Luke 16:22-23.
  2. b) They cannot prevail against Christ and His Church. Matthew 16:18.


  1. The Gates of Salvation and Righteousness –


  1. a) Entered by faith and belief. Psalm 118:19-21.



4 Types of Men.


Seen in 2 Timothy chapter 4: –


1)       LUKE – began well and ended well.

                                (Wisdom and good deeds)

                                                            2 Timothy 4:11. Colossians 4:14.


2)       DEMAS – began well but ended badly.

                                        (Has good deeds but lacks wisdom)

                                                            2 Timothy 4:10. Colossians 4:14.


3)       MARK – began badly but ended well.

                                        (Lacks good deeds but has wisdom)

                                                            2 Timothy 4:11. Acts 13:13.


4)       ALEXANDER – began badly and ended badly!

                                        (No wisdom and no good deeds)

                                                            2 Timothy 4:14.