An Untrodden Path

Key verse:  Joshua 3:4c.  “For you have not passed this way before.”

Introduction:   Joshua is the first of the 12 Historical Books from Joshua to Esther. Then we have Job, The Psalms and Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon and finally the 17 Books of the Major and Minor Prophets.

Joshua was the first Jewish General, he led Israel through 3 major military campaigns against 30 plus enemy armies.

The spiritual life application principle for us to learn, is that their victories came through God and in their being obedient to His Word. Our victories in this life come the very same way, we trust and obey for there’s no other way. In Him we live and move and have our being. Amen.

Proposition: As we go back to our key verse “For you have not passed this way before.” We can note that the Hebrew word translated ‘way’ means a trodden path (they had come out of Egypt), but for Joshua and the people it was untrodden and in like manner, we also have not been this way before and 2023 will be another challenging year, made up of many different things, spiritually, physically, financially etc.

But the good Lord knows and upholds us as we face challenges etc.


The history of Israel (he who struggles with God) has many spiritual and physical lessons for us. We have not passed this way before!

But in like manner the following 5 points are to teach us, to advise and to warn, so that we don’t stumble. We are to finish the race!

It therefore, should be according to the patterns and principles given. The answers are in the Book. There is nothing new under the sun!

 1) God’s Way – Deuteronomy 13:5.

There is only one way, God’s Way. Obedience brings blessings and rewards. There are many voices around us especially false teachers and prophets that can and do lead saints astray. Strange teachings that confuse or tickle ears. The answer to the problem is in verse 4.

So, nothing new under the sun! But if we stay within the parameters of Holy Writ, we shall be safe and secure in our Saviour’s arms.

2) A Guided Way – Nehemiah 9:19-21; Proverbs 3:6.

His Word truly is a light to our path as the Psalmist wrote. We have all our needs in Jehovah Jireh. The Lord is our Shepherd and a strong tower. He is the good Shepherd. (Our peace and protection are in Him.)

What you do with your heart will determine what you do in life. The Book of Proverbs and the Psalms show us so much about life.

3) A Glowing Way – Proverbs 4:18-19.

Once again God’s Word compares and contrasts the good and the bad for us. We are not to live life without wisdom. It is a narrow pathway, wide is the road unto destruction. We only have to read on from verse 20 to 27, as the teaching is expanded showing us pure wisdom.

When we have wisdom – verses 6-7 we have protection, then promotion follows in verses 8-9 and we see progress in verses 11-13. 

4) A Good Way – Judges 2:22; Psalm 18:32.

We all face tests and trials and tribulations follow if we don’t follow the Lord’s principles, patterns and procedures. We walk the walk and talk the talk. Yeshua is the only Way, end of debate and discussion. The only perfect way is in Him, we trust and obey for there is no other way. Its that simple but oh how we can be forgetful or foolish!

5) A Guarded Way – Psalm 17:4-5.

These two verses say it all for us. We have not been this way before BUT the Lord goes ahead of us. David’s heart was right and his walk was righteous, he had learned.