Reviewing and Understanding current events

Few would argue that we are living in a time when there is much shaking taking place.  Everything then than can be shaken is being shaken.  That shaking is taking many forms and is not confined to Australia but is world-wide.  It is important for us in understanding the times to reflect what the Bible has to say on the subject and how the spiritual and natural realms interact and speak to us of what is happening.  The Bible tells us that the earth groans awaiting the revelation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19)  In Romans 8:22 it says again “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now”.  In verse 23 of the same chapter it reminds us that not only the natural creation, but we ourselves (also of course His creation) …. groan inwardly as we eagerly await adoption as His sons (and daughters).

Our groaning reflects the struggle we have to overcome sin in our lives in the spiritual battle in which we are engaged, and the biblical passage relates that the battle is also felt and manifested within God’s natural creation.  So, we can gain understanding of the battle in the spiritual by observing what is happening in our natural world.  I am indebted to Kathleen Mitchell of Cleft in the Rock Ministries, an Intercessory prayer ministry in America for the following research, and interpretation of the results discovered, which I share with you for your edification and discernment as to what God may be wanting to say to us at this time.

Those, who stand against biblical values, truth, and righteousness, are coming out in fits of rage to displace at all costs, those, who embrace the authority, way, and word of God.  The Bible indicates that a great instability of the earth’s structures would be a sign for us. I recently checked the latest earthquake reports at   These statistics were correct at the time of writing this article.  Take a look at this report but note, these are only quakes larger than 1.5 in intensity.

**There have been 131 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
**There have been 1,243 earthquakes in the past 7 days
**There have been 5,485 earthquakes in the past 30 days
**There have been 60,283 earthquakes in the past 365 days

If you were to look at the stats from years past, you would note that the instability of the earth’s crust and tectonic plates is increasing significantly with each passing year.  Surely this is a sign for us to note.

As societies shake and crack under the weight of rebellion against God and His word, the earth itself reflects the upheaval.  I won’t give you the volcano statistics, but take note that since the beginning of 2020, volcanic activity has been picking up around the globe.  What has been dormant is now moving into a state of unrest; raising up warnings of possible future eruptions.  We have eruptions ongoing in Japan, Indonesia, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Africa, Mexico, etc. etc. Without a doubt, the spiritual climate is heating up, as the two opposing Kingdoms are expressing their differences … and as human beings are making their choices regarding which Kingdom they will serve.

All this is not to cause fear and panic, but rather to confirm the scriptures.  Whatever is developing beyond our view and understanding, the Lord has it firmly gripped in His loving hands. His plan is perfect, and it is GOOD.  We don’t need to be afraid, and we surely don’t have to be silent to avoid the outcry of atheists and sceptics.  We are to be like the sons of Issachar; being aware of the season and responding wisely to the signs as we take note of them.  We point to the signs, but most importantly to the Messiah.  We intercede for the perfect will and plan of the Lord to be manifested on the earth NOW, and in the days ahead.