The Book of Revelation - chapters 6 and 9

Chapter 6 – 1/4th of the earth’s population die.


Chapter 9 – Mankind tormented by locusts from Hell for 5 months
1/3rd of those left alive die as 200 million demons are let loose.


These two chapters show us 50% of the world will perish in the end time scenario. The world population in 2017 was 7.3 billion. In 2022 so far, the world population is 7.9 billion.

To date in 2022 – 63 million people have been born with 26 million dying and both these figures are increasing every day.


Revelation 14:20 speaks of blood up to 4 feet deep in places for over 180 miles from the Plain of Megiddo, to the Valley of Jehoshaphat outside Jerusalem and then down to Bozrah in Edom (Jordan) where the Anti-Christ and his army will be defeated.