A Prayer Of Repentance
To Receive Eternal Life

Lord God, I know I have sinned, because all have sinned and fallen short of Your standards of holiness of life and Your moral instructions.

I believe that Yeshua the Messiah took my punishment as the Suffering Servant. He died for me, but You raised Him from the dead.  

All who believe will receive eternal life because death has been defeated.

Thank you for forgiving me and making me righteous.

I now want to obey You because You love me and You know what is best for me. Amen.


Congratulations, you have now Accepted that you have sinned in word, thought and deed. You have now fully Believed that Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is God’s only way of salvation for Jew or Gentile. He has fully atoned by His blood as our Scapegoat and so you have Confessed your sins, as He was bruised for our iniquities and He was wounded for our transgressions, as Isaiah wrote.

Please read Isaiah chapter 53 to now see God’s prophetic Word which Yeshua fulfilled to the letter. Note the words ‘He was’ denoting an individual not Israel.   

God’s Royal Law in Leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 states that ‘without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins.’ There is no Temple, no priesthood, no scapegoat and Yeshua HaMashiach prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed. (This was fulfilled by the Roman Army in 70AD.).