A Psalm for Atheist’s. (Psalm 14:1-7).

Having seen our calling to ‘go forth’ and proclaim as Isaiah did. We can learn how to teach righteousness so that people can repent and receive eternal life. They are blinded by the god of this world and its ways. Yeshua/Jesus is the only true way for Jew and Gentile.

An agnostic states he has no knowledge of God whereas the atheist denies there is a God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. See Psalm 24:1.

The answer for the agnostic is the heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament (the expanse of it) shows His handiwork (the work of His hands). Checkmate! To believe in the beginning there was nothing and then nothing exploded (the Big Bang theory) is foolishness! We can ask any agnostic the same question the Lord asked Job – “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” Job 38:4.

cf Job 15:7-8. (These are two awesome verses to make people think!)

In verse 1 of Psalm 14 and Psalm 53 the Lord God is calling any atheist a fool. We can trace atheism to its source in the human soul as Psalm 14 and 53 reveals that atheism is not a ‘mental problem’ but a ‘moral problem’.

It is not that anyone cannot believe in God it is simply that they choose not to believe in God! People enjoy sin, they indulge in sinful pleasures, they make excuses, they lie, they steal, they covet, they murder etc. God poses a threat to their ways, they reject The Way, The Truth, The Life.

Verses 1-2 show the Foolish Man. The two verses show us human folly.

Verses 3-4 show the Filthy Man. Here is mankind’s impurity.

Verses 5-6 show the Fearful Man. They are suddenly confronted by God.

Verse 7 is the best. This verse shows us The Faithful Man.

There is longing – Oh, that the salvation of Israel (he who struggles with God)

There is laughter – Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.