An Overview of
End Time Events
To Come

For the Church: –
  1. The last sinner to come in through the preaching of the Gospel –
  2. The Catching Up or The Rapture followed by the Bema Seat of Christ and then the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven.
For Israel:-
  1. War with envious and jealous anti-Semitic neighbours.
  2. False peace treaty signed.
  3. The anti-Christ revealed at the beginning of the last 7 years, known as the Great Tribulation Period.
  4. The remnant of Israel dispersed – Jacob’s Time of Trouble.
  5. Armageddon – War with the World’s Armies.
  6. Messiah comes to rescue and restore prior to the Millennium.
For the Nations:-
  1. The Book of Revelation chapters 6 to 19 – Rule of Anti-Christ.
  2. The 144,000 evangelists and the Two Witnesses give a warning to Israel and the World re the Gospel of Salvation. An Angel giving the Gospel.
  3. The Second Coming of Jesus at Armageddon followed by His 1,000 year rule as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords over all.