Last Days
The Encroaching

The Third Seal – A Black Horse (Famine & Scarcity)

The Encroaching Darkness

  • We continue to see corruption everywhere:
  • Throughout the highest levels of government
  • In our entertainments
  • In our schools
  • Even in many of our churches
  • Many of those in the corridors of power should be incarcerated for treason
  • Legislators that sign bills they haven’t read
  • Executives who are allowed to ignore the laws
  • Judges who reverse juries, amend laws, and indulge in social engineering
  • Leaders who fail to exhibit the most elementary ethical conduct
  • The entertainment industry celebrates every imaginable evil and attacks all the family values which God has established for our welfare
  • The educational establishment which deliberately dumb-downs and corrupts our youth.
  • There was a day when you could rely on the fiduciary posture of your advisors, counsellors, and professionals – today that would be naïve and hazardous
  • Every day the litany of non-constitutional abuses continue unabated
  • Every day self-destructive polices extend their reach
  • Every day it grows darker
  • Every day the debts grow larger; they are already beyond any semblance of reality
  • It’s not our job to predict the future (divination is prohibited in the Torah)
  • ‘The Key is not to predict the future, but to be prepared for it’ said Pericles
  • Yeshua counselled us to understand the signs of the times – see Matthew chapters 24-25
  • It is our responsibility to prepare for coming storms
  • The Bible instructs us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2: 11)
  • Paul warns us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6: 12)