Enoch -
A Candidate
For Rapture

Enoch was the 7th from Adam in the line of Seth – so godliness climaxed in Enoch.


Lamech was the 7th from Adam in the line of Cain – so lawlessness climaxed in Lamech.


Enoch was a contemporary of Adam for a little over 300 years – also living alongside the other patriarchs listed in Genesis chapter 5. Enoch was raptured about 75 years before Noah was born – so God’s judgment climaxed in Noah.





1, HIS TRIUMPH – Genesis 5:22-24


a) He pleased God – Hebrews 11:5.

b)He preached to men – Jude 14-15.

3. HIS TRANSLATION – Genesis 5:24. Heb 11:5.