Enoch Our
Rapture Prototype

He was the first man to be taken to Paradise by ‘the way of rapture’ rather than by ‘the way of death’.

The ‘age’ he lived in reflects the ‘age’ we live in! Why? Because we live on the verge of the glorious rapture and so his story is of perennial interest in warning everyone. Eccles 1:9.

1)    Surrounding GloomGenesis 4 to 6.

        He lived: –

        Socially, in an ‘Age of Permissiveness’.

        Scientifically, in an ‘Age of Progressiveness’.

        Spiritually, in an ‘Age of Presumptuousness’.

2)    Saving GraceGenesis 5:21-23.

Enoch lived sixty-five years and begot Methuselah.’

‘Enoch walked with God three hundred years.’

‘So, all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. (He became a serious disciple after sixty five years!)

3)    Simple Goodness

a. His testimony Godward – Hebrews 11:5.

b. His testimony Manward – Jude 14-15.


4)    Sudden GloryGenesis 5:24.

‘And Enoch walked with God and he was not*, for God took him.’

Hebrews 11:5. (has an added word – *found)

‘By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death and was not found, because God took him …’

People would have looked for him! BUT suddenly Enoch went missing!

Think of the panic within an hour of millions disappearing from this planet – ‘caught up’ to be with their Lord and Saviour.

The pain and panic in young people because their parents have disappeared and vice versa.

All who belong to God will suddenly – in the twinkling of an eye be gone, those not ‘born again’ will be left to ponder over it all!?