
Reading:-              Bereshith/Genesis 5:21-24.

Enoch’s name means dedicated or initiated. He was totally dedicated to God for he walked faithfully with the Lord for 300 years. He was initiated in that he was the first man to be raptured or caught up to Heaven.

His life story is of 5 parts that we can look at, to see and learn the spiritual life application principles that we are to apply to ourselves. He lived a life of faith.

We can note that he was the grandfather of Noah, but he was raptured about 70 years before Noah was born. Enoch lived for 365 years. His son Methuselah lived for 969 years, the longest recorded human life in the Holy Bible.



1)       Enoch’s ConversionGenesis 5:21-22.

This was at the age of 65, when Methuselah was born.


2)       Enoch’s CommunionGenesis 5:22. Amos 3:3.

          From that time, he walked with God, in agreement and in righteousness.


3)       Enoch’s Calling and ServiceJude 14-15.

          He prophesied as he was the first to tell of the Lord’s Second Coming.      


4)       Enoch’s Catching Up Genesis 5:24.

God had taken him. Search parties went out to look for him but to no avail as they were unable to find him. Hebrews 11:5a.


5)       Enoch’s CommendationHebrews 11:5b-6.

‘He pleased God’. Because he lived a life of holiness walking in God’s ways and not those of men! He revered El-Elyon (The Most High God) and he lovingly feared El Gibbor (The Mighty God).