Our Impregnable
Position In God

These are God’s safety verses for preserving His saints. Read each verse and allow His anointing to build you up and take you forward. We are all a work in progress.


1) God before usIsaiah 52:12.

We do not have to worry or go in haste as He goes before us knowing the times and seasons ahead of us. The Lord God inhabits the praises of His people.


2) God behind usIsaiah 58:8.

We are a righteous people and the glory of the Lord is our rear guard.

BUT verse 7 shows us a good mitzvot and verse 9 a condition of being holy and true in righteousness. Daily prayer and praise are the key.


3) God underneath us Deuteronomy 33:27.

He truly is our refuge. A strong tower, a harbour in the storms of life. The battle belongs to our Lord and King. He holds us in His everlasting arms.


4) God above usSong of Songs 2:4.

He will always lead us into His House and around His banqueting table to truly feast. His banner over us is pure love, peace, protection and provision.


5) God round about usPsalm 125:2.

This is one of our favourite songs of ascent as we gather in His presence. The Lord God is around Israel and His Church. One day we will truly be one forever and ever. Amen.


So, we have seen 5 verses from the Tanakh showing God’s Grace and Mercy.

Now 2 verses showing us the witness of it all. Giving us a total of 7 being the perfect number of fullness and completion.


6) God in them1 John 3:24.

He indwells us, we are sealed unto eternal life by His Holy Spirit whom He has given to us. We walk and talk as a people of truth and light as we learn and keep His Commandments and instructions.


7) Us in GodColossians 3:1-5.

We have died to self, or should have, taming the tongue and our passions, desires, covetousness which is idolatry. Our focus, our minds and hearts are set on things above. Holiness unto the Lord is our battle cry. In Him we live and move and have our being. Disciples crucify the flesh; they honour their Lord through obedience.

So, saints – the Lord God Almighty has all the angles covered. We can truly trust and obey and then rest and be at peace in Him. Amen.