Our Walk and Talk

Our Walk:              ‘Redeem the Time’


The Negatives – Put off the Old Man.


Not in vanity – Ephesians 4:17.

Not in darkness – Ephesians 4:18

Not in alienation – Ephesians 4:18.

Not in uncleanness – Ephesians 4:19.

Not in greediness – Ephesians 4:19.

Not in corruption, deceitful lusts – Eph 4:22.

Not in laziness, sleeping – Ephesians 5:14.

Not in drunkenness – Ephesians 5:18.


The Positives – Put on the New Man.

After the example of Yeshua – Ephesians 4:20.

According to His teaching – Ephesians 4:21.

In the way of His truth – Ephesians 4:21.

In righteousness and holiness – Ephesians 4:24.

Walk in love, light, in wisdom – Eph 5:2, 8, 15.

Find out what is acceptable to the Lord –

Ephesians 5:10.

Know what the will of the Lord is – Eph 5:17.

Be filled with the Spirit – Ephesians 5:18.


Our Talk:               ‘Purity of speech’


The Positives – Giving thanks.

With Truthfulness, we are one – Eph 4:25b.

With Temperance, self control – Eph 4:26.

With Timeliness – edification, grace – Ephesians 4:29b.

With Tenderness – kindness, forgiveness, no evil speaking or malice – Ephesians 4:31-32.


The Negatives – The days are evil.

Give no place to the devil – Ephesians 4:27.

No lying, anger, stealing, lies – Eph 4:25-29.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 4:30.

Do not be bitter, no wrath or anger, no evil speaking – Eph 4:31.

Do not covet, no uncleanness or filthiness, no   foolish talking, or coarse jesting – Eph 5:3-4.


As our Lord did – let us walk and talk in love, grace, truth, mercy, righteousness and loving kindness. Amen.