Messiah and the Matzah Bread

The Matzah is Jewish unleavened bread


1) It is the Bread of Affliction – Isa 53:4-5.

“Smitten by God and afflicted, He was wounded for our transgressions.”


2) It is Unleavened Bread – Isaiah 53:9.

“He had done no violence nor was any deceit in His mouth.”


3) It is Bruised – Isaiah 53:5.

“He was bruised for our iniquities.”


4) It is Striped – Isaiah 53:5.

“By His stripes, we are healed.”


5) It is Pierced – Zech 12:10; John19:34.

“They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced.”

“But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out.”


Messiah and the Matzah Tash.


The Matzah Tash is a Pesach decorated bag with 3 Compartments which house one piece of matzah bread each.


The 3 pieces within Jewish teaching represent  –

1)   Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or

2)   The Torah, Prophets and the Psalms or

3)   The High Priest, Levites and the People.


But why is the middle piece broken?


Simply because it is a type or ‘remez’ a picture within Midrashic exegesis of the

Messiah – Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach.


One part of the broken Matzah is wrapped in a cloth and hidden as the Afikomen (that which comes later).


So the three pieces of Matzah represent the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit joined as one – echad. A noun denoting plurality.

Messiah and The Afikomen.


Afikomen is the name given to the broken half of the matzah –


1)   It is hidden until the end of the meal.


2)   The word Afikomen is a Greek Word and means ‘That which comes later’.


3)   Its hidden meaning points to the return

of the Messiah Yeshua to rescue Israel.


4)   Today Jews take a small piece to remember the Passover lamb. In doing so they take communion and honour the Lamb of God sacrificed for them.


5) The word Afikomen is the second aorist form of the Greek verb Ikneomai which means ‘I came’. So Yeshua has come and will come again just as He promised.