Notes on the Afikomen

It is interesting that the eating of the afikomen occurs during the tzafun, which means “hidden” or “concealed.


The Afikomen then is a ‘remez’ a type or picture as well as a ‘sod’ a secret being a depiction of Yeshua HaMashiach wrapped and hidden for three days until He resurrected from the dead.


To date many of the Jewish people have yet to discover Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah and so the Messiah remains hidden from much of the Jewish community until they cry out – ‘Baruch haba b’shem Adonai as He said they would have to for Him to return to save them.  


Today then is the day of salvation through faith and not works. It is a choice all Jews and Gentiles have before them. Yeshua stated He was the Messiah and He did all the signs and miracles that the Moshiach must do.