The 10 Plagues in Egypt

  1. BLOOD – against HAPI the Nile God, the sustainer of life.
  2. FROGS – against HEQT the Harvest God, who brought fruitfulness.
  3. LICE – for PHARAOH a Man God, who stood for Egyptian purity.
  4. FLIES – against the God UATCHIT, the oppressor of Egypt’s enemies.
  5. CATTLE DISEASED – against their God PTAH, the animal protector.
  6. BOILS -against their God SEKHMET, the bringer of health.
  7. HAIL – against their God NUT, the sustainer of the skies.
  8. LOCUSTS – against the God ANUBUS, the protector of their crops.
  9. DARKNESS – against the sun God RA, who brought light and warmth.
  10. FIRSTBORN SLAIN – against their God OSIRIS, Lord of the Underworld.