The Man Crucified with Messiah

The Man Crucified with Yeshua.

(A type of us)


Key verses: Luke 23:32-43.

1, He was a Dying Man –

a) The legality of his sentenceProverbs 14:12.

b) The load of his sin – Romans 3:23. Matthew 27:44.


Let us note that:-


1) He was not christened with holy water.      

2) He was not confirmed into any religion.

3) He was not enrolled into Mother church.

4) He confessed to no priest – even though there were plenty standing by!

5) He did no penance.

6) He did not ask the Virgin Mary to pray for him, even though she was present.

7) He called on none of the dead saints.


– but –

2, He was a Discerning Man –


a) He began to look at the Messiah.

“They shall look upon Me” – Zech 12:10.

b) He began to listen to the Son of God.

“Father forgive them” – Luke 23:34.


3, He was a Delivered Man –


The request:-

a) “Lord remember me” – Luke 23:42.


The answer:-

b) “Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with Me in paradise” – Luke 23:43.