Sukkot (Tabernacles)

Key Word   –   Joy (Dictionary -A feeling of great pleasure and happiness, of well-being, of success. The blessing of God in the harvest once again.

1) It spoke of God’s past goodness seen in the wilderness provision.

2) It spoke of God’s present goodness with the completion of the yearly harvest.

Key Points  –   

  1. 7th Month for 7 days.
  2. 8th day knows as Shemini Atzeret – a Sacred Assembly and a Sabbath. See Leviticus 23:36-39.
  3. The Torah – the Law was to be read. See Deuteronomy 31:10-13.
  4. Tabernacles is one of the 3 Foot or Pilgrim Festivals – the people brought their tithes and offerings before the Lord to maintain the Temple and the Priesthood.
  5. We in like manner according to Corinthians are to set aside a certain amount each week for the work of the Lord.
  6. Solomon dedicated the new Temple he had built to the Lord on Succot – 2 Chronicles 5:3 and the Shekinah glory cloud of the Lord descended to light the fire on the altar and then to fill the Temple and The Holy of Holies. See 1 Kings 8:2 and 2 Chronicles 7:1-10

The people stood in awe and the wonder of it all. The respect and the fear of the Lord is a good thing.

NB. By the 14th of Tishri the city was surrounded by thousands of pilgrims all setting up their Booths to live in for 7 days. All of the temporary dwelling booths had to be within a Sabbath day’s journey from the Temple – this is just over a ½ mile, a 1,000 yards or a 1,000 paces.