Our Bibles affirm and confirm our need to rely on the Lord God Almighty – why?

Because ‘nothing is impossible for Him’ – Luke 1:37.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord” – Bereshith/Genesis 18:14.

“There is nothing too hard for the Lord” – Jeremiah 32:17.

God is “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think” – Ephesians 3:20.


So as disciples we can through F.A.I.T.H. and confidence say, “I can do all things through Messiah (Christ) who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


When we live by faith our decisions are made or should be on the basis of the Word of God – Romans 10:17.


True faith can be seen in being patient, waiting on God, being willing to wait. Isaiah 28:16; Hebrews 6:12.


In and with faith we obey our Lord and Saviour. Father knows best in spite of our circumstances. We are not afraid of what others may say or do to us. Hebrews 11:29-30. This is the great chapter of God’s Hall of Fame. Those in the past have given us a great witness to copy to be encouraged by. Is it not written that Elijah was a man like us, strengths, weaknesses and doubts.


Noah witnessed for God with courage in his day. Evil was everywhere – there is nothing new under the sun!

He and his family were faithful to God when everyone and everything seemed to be against them!!!


Our God is still calling for His people to stand and to stand fast, to hold fast, even alone at times!

BUT He promises to never forsake us nor leave us. He is with us to the end of the age.


God is looking today for courageous witnesses as in the past.


As the spiritual song says: –



🎶 Be bold, be strong for the Lord our God is with us🎵 Amen.


Once again, its – ‘Forward ever forward, onwards and upwards.’