Psalm 22
The Suffering Of Messiah


This Psalm along with Psalm 69 are prophetic in that they show the sufferings of Christ and therefore give us an idea of the internal and external anguish and suffering of our Lord and Redeemer delivered into the hands of sinful men.
Once again we shall divide the Word of God into several teaching layers of insight that glorifies our blessed Lord and His redemptive work towards us.

Visions of Messiah (the Anointed One).
  1.  His Reproach – verse 6.
  2.  His Rejection – verses 7-8.
  3. His Resurrection words – verse 22.
  4. His Rejoicing – verse 23.
  5. His Risen words – verse 25.
  6. His Reward – verse 27.
  7. His Reign – verse 28.
  8. His Rule – verse 30.
  9. His Righteousness – verse 31.
Messiah in the Midst.


1 – In the midst of the Bulls of Bashan – (The bull is a clean animal representing the Jews) – verses 12-13.

2 – In the midst of the Dogs, the assembly of the wicked – (the dog is an unclean animal representing the Gentiles) – verse 16. He was pierced for our sins.
Pilate as the Roman Governor delivered Jesus to be crucified – “They pierced My hands and My feet” – on the Cross. (see separate notes on the objection re the Hebrew word ‘ki-ari’)



3 – In the midst of the Congregation (The Church) – verse 22.

Fulfilled in Hebrews 2:11-12 by ‘declaring the Father’s name to His brethren.’

4 – In the midst of all peoples and nations (The World) – verse 27.

Fulfilled in Philippians 2:10-11. ’every knee should bow, every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’

Golgotha’s Dark Sky.


1 – Abandoned by His Father because of:

a) The Holiness of God – verses 1-3. (Verse 1 is the central cry of the 7 from the Cross of Golgotha/Calvary -The Place of the Skull. Jesus who was without sin was truly forsaken as He bore our sins before a Holy God.

2 – Abhorred by men seen in their:

a) Contempt – verses 6-10. (He felt the bitterness of scorn from others)

Verse 8 fulfilled in Matthew 27:39,43 by the jeering crowd,

b) Cruelty – verses 11-17. (He experienced the loneliness of the soul)

Verse 14-15 show us:-

Exhaustion – poured out like water!
Dislocation – bones out of joint!
Ruptured internal organs – heart melted like wax!
Unendurable weakness – strength dried up!
Unremitting thirst – tongue clinging to His jaws!

  1. c) Callousness – verse 18-21. (He has to endure a naked slow painful death)


  1. The Lord’s Resurrection – verse 22. (As Priest for all believers)
  2. The Lord’s Return – verses 23-26. (As the Prince of Peace and Provider for the poor)
  3. The Lord’s Reign – verses 27-31. (As King over the nations)


Psalm 22 has shown us the soteriological (salvation) events and the eschatological (end time) events within one Psalm showing the mastery of God’s inspiration breathed into His Word through the lives and writings of His people. The believer can only marvel and then stand in awe of how God is in charge of history and the future, knowing the beginning to the end of His perfect plan and purposes. Amen.