The Name of YESHUA (JESUS)

There is a fragrance about the Name of Jesus (The Name above all names).

For it never ever fails, there is a freshness as with the dawning light and dew.

His holy and righteous name is truly unfailing and unfading. It is Eternal.

How comforting then to remember that He is our Faithful Friend, who stays closer than any earthly friend. He never lets us down; we are ever in that perfect peace.

No wonder we sing His praises more than any other, in wonder we look up waiting for His glorious return to take His blood bough Bride home to Glory. He is the Lord and King of Heaven, one in essence with His Father and the Spirit of God.

In view of these wonderful thoughts the saints of yesteryear and today sing the psalms, hymns and spiritual songs giving glory and honour unto our God and Saviour.

Let us look at the Name of Yeshua which actually means salvation:

1) It is Unique in its Provision – Why?

Because He will save His people from their sins be, they Jew or Gentile who trust in Him. Matthew 1:21. “And she will bring forth a Son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

2) It Unique in its Power – When and Where and Who?

We see healing in His wonderful name as we read Acts 3:2. A male born lame. All we’re amazed when his limbs straightened, he walked, then began leaping with joy and praising God. Acts 3:8.

This happened in Jerusalem, outside the Temple, where cripples and beggars sat unable to go into the Temple.

The story continues in Acts 4:10-14. Glory to God.

3) It is Unique in its Proclamation – How?

In and amongst all Nations – Luke 24:47.

‘That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

The rest is history – His story. Amen.