The Days of Noah

Noah’s age was marked by: –


1)    Spiritual Decline – Genesis 6:3. The falling away/apostasy re belief in Yeshua/Jesus as the only Saviour         is ignored, mocked and disbelieved. 

2)    Social Dilemma – Genesis 6:1, 11.

a. A marked increase in the population.

b. A marked increase in corruption, crime, violence!

3)    Shameless Depravity – Genesis 4:19; 6:5. Anything goes these days!

4)    Scientific Development – Genesis 4:20-22. The advances in science and technology have really increased. Man is trying to create life!

5)    Strong Delusion – Gen 6:11-13; Matt 24:38-39. The fear of the Lord brings wisdom and knowledge. Many are spiritually blind – 2 Corinthians 4:4.

6)    Some Devotion – Genesis 6:8-9.

Only a faithful remnant looks to the Lord God Almighty and the Holy Bible, praying and evangelising. Meeting to worship God and walking in holiness of life before Him.

7)    Sudden Destruction – Genesis 6:7; 7:11. Judgment is truly coming!