The Doom and Destruction of Sodom

Genesis 19:1-38.


  1. The Moral Perversion of Sodom

a) The Prevalence of Sodom’s sin – 19:1-5.

b) The Persistence of Sodom’s sin – 19:6-9.

c) The Punishment of Sodom’s sin – 19:10-11.

  1. The Mental Pollution of Sodom.

a) It corrupted Lot’s faith – 19:12-26.

b) It corrupted Lot’s family – 19:27-38.

He Lord rained down fire at the end of the day on the city and its people.  

The sins of Sodom have truly been resurrected today! But there is nothing new under the sun!

Ecclesiastes 1:9.

They have always been around, carried out in secret.  But now no longer! Today they strut brazenly and unashamed, demanding the endorsement of society at large. On TV and in films, in schools, in clubs in pubs and in politics!

Even within religion and sadly many have given in through pressure not wanting to offend.

But God has never failed to judge any nation that has acceded to such demands, there will a day of judgement as Sodom’s sins will reap Sodom’s doom!

Our cultures whitewash sins and iniquities!

We call a drunkard an alcoholic.

A thief is a kleptomaniac. A sodomite is a gay person.

BUT God’s word strips aside these euphemisms and bluntly calls these sins by their proper name!

Woe to ministers and leaders that give their approval, there will be a Judgment before the Throne of the Lord God Almighty. He has the right and the might. He created the world and gave mankind His rules for our own good.