What the Messiah Yeshua is to Us

What the Messiah Yeshua is to Us

1)    He is ‘the true God’1 John 5:20.

So let us praise, worship and adore Him.

(As the True God He is the Object of our worship.)

2)    He is ‘the Way, the Truth, the Life’John 14:6.

So let us believe Him as He delivers us from error.

(As the Way, He guides us. As the Truth, He delivers us from error. As the Life, He fulfils us.)

3)    He is ‘the Holy and True’Revelation 3:7.

So let us be holy and obedient to Him.

(As the Holy and True He is the Pattern of what the Church should be.)

4)    He is ‘the true Witness’Revelation 3:14.

So let us listen to Him and be faithful.

(As the True Witness He would restore our souls when lukewarm.)

5)    He is ‘the true Light’John 1:9.

So let us be illuminated and guided by Him.

(As the True Light He is the pillar to guide us in this world’s darkness.)

6)    He is ‘the true Vine’John 15:1.

So let us abide in Him and be fruitful.

(As the True Vine, He enables us to be fruitful to the Father.)

7)    He is ‘the true Bread’John 6:32.

So let us feast upon Him and grow.

(As the True Bread, He makes us satisfied and joyful in His presence. Hallelujah.)

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