The 7 Voices of the Lord.


In interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures we shall use Midrashic principles to see the depth of meaning given. Not only using the literal and grammatical rules of exegesis but also using type, symbolism and allegory. The first rule of Midrash is the P’shat (the simple rendering of the literal and grammatical rules) the Drash (to seek out, to compare and to contrast; to illustrate and illuminate verses), the Remez (a hint, a type, or symbolism), the Sod (a secret, a number meaning or a hidden meaning), the Allegorical (to expand an insight) without getting into mysticism, Kabbalism, esotericism etc.

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The waters remind us of Genesis ch1 verse 2 where the Lord was hovering over the face of the waters, of how He would lead us by the still waters in Psalm 23:2 and how the Lord promised rivers of living water in John 7:38, alluding to salvation, of living fountains of water in Jeremiah 2:13 and Revelation 7:17 again regarding salvation. BUT now we see the waters speak of the nations as a drop in a bucket Isaiah 40:15. Israel would trade in many waters during the diaspora.  

He speaks and it comes into being, the Heavens declare the glory of the Lord in Psalm 19:1, from the Creation of everything to this world being destroyed by fire and the heavens being rolled up like a scroll as recorded in Isaiah 34:4. Nothing is impossible for our Lord and God.

Not only is He majestic in all His ways but the Lord is mighty in deed, in acts of loving kindness, He is magnificent to behold and it will be truly marvelous in our eyes when we see Him. Hallelujah.

This speaks of His power as the cedars of Lebanon were huge and very strong. They were used to fashion the Temple Doors. So as with the mighty cedars tall and strong the Lord God Almighty can destroy all that man thinks is powerful, Towers will fall. They will be in shock when He returns to break the power of Satan, fallen angels, men and their weapons will become ploughs etc. No more wars!

The flames of the furnace were divided for Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego who served the Living God. BUT we have a picture of lightning, forked fire, and fire that melts the heart, illuminating truth.

The Wilderness of Kadesh, Kadosh means Holy and Kadesh means to be sanctified. We were once walking around and living in the unholy wilderness of this world, blinded by the god of this world. Unable to save ourselves, we needed a Saviour, and there is only One, who is the Way for the Lost, the Truth for those who want to learn and the Life for those who long for the best and that is eternal life. No more sorrow, sadness, sickness and sin. We are beaming up Hallelujah.

I am reminded as you are of the song in Psalm 42:1 ‘As the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after you’ and how the lame shall leap like the deer in Isaiah 35:6. So from birth we are like the deer born to run the race of creation and our Faith. We look to Him for in Yeshua we live and move and have our being. All of creation looks to Him for life, food and energy. BUT when we die, we go to Beulah land (our marriage to the Lord) comes into being. When we are all together ‘The Marriage Supper of the Lord’ will be truly marvelous in our eyes. Heaven is our real home for all Eternity. Omein ve amen!