The Word - ONCE

The Word – ONCE

Introduction: One of the key words of Hebrews chapter 9 and 10 is the term ‘once’ which occurs 7 times.

Every disciple understands the importance of the incredible patterns that we have regarding the number 7 in Scripture.

The 7’s are seen in every book of the Holy Bible. The number of patterns we can see and then trace the threads of teachings regarding the number 7 could only have come from the Lord as He guided the writers within the O.T and N.T.  It is called the Septenary or ‘Heptadic’ design and structure, which gives us irrefutable proof that the Holy Scriptures were inspired by a Holy God. (Who then has the right to make the rules and we have no right to break them! End of debate and argument!)

Proposition: God in His wisdom separated Religion and Royalty (the State), so our Lord is the only royal priest Yisrael will ever have and He is known to us as our Great High Priest. The priests of Israel had an unfinished work, year in and year out whereas Yeshua triumphantly cried out – “It is Finished”.

Our Lord sits at the right hand of His Father whereas Israel’s priests never sat down! The only priest within Israel we read of sitting down was Eli next to a post of the Tabernacle! As we read on, he’s then sitting on a seat by the wayside from which he falls off and breaks his neck! The priesthood came to an end as there are no priests today! We have the priesthood of all believers who are to minister in prayer and proclamation. Religious systems within the Church that ordain Priests are clearly ignoring the teaching of the Book of Hebrews! Only Jesus can forgive us, not a priest in a confessional box!

Teaching: Let us now look at the word ‘Once’ and the 7 teachings it gives us that will truly bless and strengthen our Faith, once and for all given! It has always been about relationship and not religion. The answer is in the Book of books, the Holy Bible has all the answers.

1)     The Once of Limitation – Hebrews 9:7.

The High Priest could only enter the Holiest place of all one

day in the year, although he would go in and out several times

on the actual day of Yom Kippur.


2)     The Once of Completion Hebrews 9:12.

So, Yeshua has entered into the Most Holy Place ‘once for all’

therefore, His perfect atoning work is complete. We can also

note the contrast in that the verse states that Christ entered in

with His own blood and not with the blood of goats or calves.  


3)     The Once of Manifestation – Hebrews 9:26.

Yeshua is our Lord Immanuel (with us is God). He was God

manifested in the flesh to ‘put away sin’. Why? Because sin

kept us from God and God from man. God is Holy, He is a

just and righteous God, perfect, pure and true. God is not a

man, that He should lie – Numbers 23:19 and we also read in

Titus 1:2 God cannot lie. He is not like people who lie, who

change their minds, who exaggerate or who tell a half truth.


4)     The Once of Condemnation Hebrews 9:27.

This is a verse I have used much in the past and continue to

use when giving the Gospel. It speaks of death which all can

relate to but it points out that there is a judgment to come!

It is the fear of God that brings wisdom and understanding as

Proverbs 9:10 teaches us. We gain comfort as Acts 9:31 also

points out and then in 1 John 4:18 that perfect love casts fear.


5)     The Once of Substitution – Hebrews 9:28.

Those who believe in Yeshua. who know Him personally as

their Lord and Saviour, who have put their trust in Him are

not looking for death and judgment BUT for His second

coming! Why? Because they know Messiah has stood in their

place and borne the judgment for them. Five is the number of

grace. God’s Righteousness At Christ’s Expense that’s Grace.


6)     The Once of Purification Hebrews10:2.

The sacrifices of the Levitical system were only effective in

atoning for the sins of the people for the previous year and did

not nor could not cleanse their conscience BUT Christ has

once and forever, dealt with the sin question. In Him we live

and move and have our being. He ever lives to intercede for

  1. Hallelujah. We have His shalom, that perfect peace. We

are accepted and forgiven. Amen ve Omein Adonai.


7)     The Once of Sanctification – Hebrews 10:10.

The Body and the Blood. The blood of Messiah Yeshua

purchased our salvation. In Him we live and move and have

our being. Once and for all time – we are a blood bought

people. Our part is to maintain our separation from the

world’s ways! To be a separate people, sanctified, holy and

true. 1 Corinthians 1:2-3 sums it all up for us.


‘….. To those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be

saints, with all who in every place call on the name of the

Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. Grace to you and

peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.’