A Great King who Transgressed before the Lord.

Reading:   2 Chronicles 26:1-21.
Proposition:   King Uzziah was –

          A Great Ruler for 52 years – verses 3-4.

          A Great Builderverses 2, 10a.

          A Great Warriorverses 6-7, 11-13.

          A Great Farmerverse 10b.

Teaching – 3 Points:


a) He trespassed by usurping the priestly office and so died a leper – unclean before the Lord. He should not have tried to offer incense unlawfully before the Lord in the Temple. Azariah and 80 other valiant priests went in after him to admonish and rebuke their King but before he could do anything to them the Lord struck him with leprosy.  2 Chronicles 26:16-21.

 b) His sins were the sins of Presumption, Pride and Persistence in doing wrong before the God of Israel. Proverbs 16:18, 25; 18:12; 19:21. (The Life Lessons to Learn).

c) In the year of his death the Lord God appointed a Great Prophet who confessed he was unclean before the Lord and so he was cleansed for service. Isaiah 6:1, 5-7.

 (We through Messiah have been cleansed for service as a royal priesthood). 1 Peter 2:5.

Uzziah –     

His name means Jehovah is strong or my strength is Jehovah. The 11th King of Judah. He did what was right and was blessed until his transgression. He was not buried in the graves of the Kings being a leper but was buried in an adjacent field next to the royal graves.

Isaiah –     

His name means salvation of Jehovah. Called the ‘Prince of the Prophets’ by scholars as he revealed so much. He foretold the coming of Messiah – Isaiah 1:1; 7:14; 9:6; 52:12-53:1-12. His prophetic ministry lasted over the reign of 4 Kings of Judah for at least 40 years possibly up to 60. It started after King Uzziah dies in 740BC. He was born 770 to 760BC and died in 680BC. Sawn in two by the wicked idolatrous King Manasseh.