A Midrash on
Exodus 12 and 1 Peter 1

To Compare and Contrast Passover in Exodus 12 and 1 Peter.

1)    Lamb chosen and kept from 10th to 14th day.

                                      Exodus 12:3,6.       1 Peter 1:20.

2)    Lamb without blemish …… without spot.

                                      Exodus 12:5.         1 Peter 1:19.

3)    Blood sprinkled …… sprinkling of blood.

                                      Exodus 12:7.        1 Peter 1:2.

4)    Lamb roasted with fire …… the suffering Messiah.

                                      Exodus 12:8.       1 Peter 1:11.

5)    Unleavened bread …… be holy, for I am holy.

                                      Exodus 12:8.      1 Peter 1:16.

6)    Bitter herbs …… our manifold temptations.

                                      Exodus 12:8.     1 Peter 1:6.

7)    Loins girded …… gird up the loins of your mind.

                                      Exodus 12:11.   1 Peter 1:13.

8)    Shoes and staves …… sojourn if fear.

                                      Exodus 12:11.   1 Peter 1:17.

9)    March to their Canaan inheritance …… march to our eternal inheritance in the Lord.

                                      Exodus 12:31.    1 Peter 1:4.