A Perfect Salvation


Yeshua/Jesus is our Lord, He is our Redeemer, our High Priest and our majestic eternal King. Our all in all in four ways.

No longer is there a crown of thorns on His head but a glorious golden crown.


Key verse: Hebrews 7:25.


1)     AS LORD:-


HIS ABILITY – ‘He is able in all things’


2)     AS REDEEMER:-


HIS ACTIVITY – ‘He is able to keep on saving’

a) Past, Present and Future.





HIS ASSURANCE – ‘He ever lives to intercede’


a) For the unsaved – His work continues on earth through the Holy Spirit and through His Word .


b) For the saved – His work of intercession in Heaven.



4)     AS KING:-


HIS APPROACH – ‘He accepts those who draw near unto Him’


a) He is on the Throne – forevermore. Amen.