A Word in Season about Biblical Lamps

Psalm 18:28. This is a Personal verse for each of us.

For You will light my lamp;
The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

Psalm 119:105. This is a Perennial verse for each of us.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Zephaniah 1:12. This is a Prophetic verse for all Israel.

“And it shall come to pass at that time
That I will search Jerusalem with lamps,
And punish the men
Who are settled in complacency, (complacency is a key word)
Who say in their heart.”
‘The Lord will not do good,
Nor will He do evil.’

The lesson for us here is that back sliding starts with Complacency, (taking God for granted) which leads to Conformity, which then leads to Compromise, then sadly Contamination and finally Corruption. We are to come out and be separate! Our salt, the glorious Gospel entrusted to us must now use its flavour to cleanse and heal the unsaved who are perishing. It has to be Forward Ever Forward.

Matthew 5:15.      This is a Practical verse for all His saints, Jew & Gentile.

‘Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.’

NB. Our house is our personal one and our corporate one in the Lord. 

Let our light so shine and encourage, exhort and edify everyone in the House of the Lord on this Sabbath day. Amen.