As He is, So Are We In This World

Key verse: 1 John 4:17.    Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; as He is, so are we in this world.

Proposition: We therefore have 9 monosyllables, nine little words laid out in the simplest possible form of speech. Nine words of promise and pearls of wisdom for us to take into our hearts. They go with the robe of righteousness that our Lord has bestowed upon us.

Teaching:    There are three threads of teaching for us within verse 17.

1.The Plan – As He is,


a.We now have a Transformed Life – we have the Holy Spirit within us, we are sealed saints, we are His for all eternity. Holiness unto the Lord is our banner of love towards others. We have changed, we are a holy people unto the Lord and others will see this and either accept or reject.


2.The Pledge – so are we


b.We now have a Triumphant Life – as He led a victorious life so we can we. We take captive every negative thought. We march onwards and upwards, forward ever forward. God’s promises to us are yea and amen. His Word gives us all the answers for this life.


3.The Place – in this world.


c.We now have a Temporary Life – but God wants us to live the Christ life here and now. We are passing through but we are to be salt and light to others in this world. We have the Gospel of Good News. Death has been defeated; He is risen. We have the witnesses who walked and talked with Him. They saw their risen Lord and Saviour and proclaimed this to the world. The rest is history.