Biblical Teachings
Welcome to the Biblical Teachings page of our Messianic Fellowship.
Here, we delve into the rich wisdom and guidance found in the Bible.
Click on the title to learn more.
New Teachings Will Appear Below
The Blowing of the Shofar Ram Horns
The Times and Seasons
The Fall Feasts of Yehovah
Eight Biblical Trumpets and their meaning for Israel, the Church and the Nations
An Interesting and Possible Time Line on the Rapture
The Glorious Rapture
The Work of the Word of Adonai
The Human Body
The Gog and Magog War in Israel
The Path of the Wise and the Unwise
The Cepher of the Prophet Hagai/ the Book of Haggai
Contradictions within The Koran/Qu’ran
What the Koran/Qur’an states about Jesus
In The Twinkling Of An Eye
What the Messiah Yeshua is to Us
The Triumph of Faith
Click On The Buttons Below To Jump To Your Chosen Section.
(Salvation Teachings)
(End Times Teachings)
(To Defend/Reason)
Creation or Evolution
(To Compare)
Bible Teachings & Sermons
Hebrew Prayers, Blessings and Teachings
Number Teachings
The Book Of Revelation
Tu B’shevat
The Feast Of Purim
Pesach - The Feast Of Passover
Shavuot - Pentecost
Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashanah
(Feast of Trumpets/Head of the Year)
Yom Kippur
(Day Of Atonement)
(Feast Of Tabernacles)
(The Feast Of Dedication)
(Salvation Teachings)
Soteriological Picture Gallery
2024 An Untrodden Path
A Perfect Salvation
January Bible Study
Salvation Sevenfold
We Are His Vessels
Number Teachings
1 Religious Ruler and 1 Rich Man.
1 Thessalonians 5 verses 12-28
1 Thessalonians chapter 5 key points.
2 Timothy 2, Vs 16-23
2 Thessalonians chapter 2
3 Commands to 3 Groups of God's People
3 Facts of The Resurrection of Our Lord Yeshua/Jesus
3 Qualities Of Our Lord Yeshua
3 Everlasting Promises
3 Communion Insights
3 Women In The N.T.
3 Divine Rules.
3 E’s of the Spirit
3 Foolish Rich Men
3 Precious P's
3 Watchwords In Any Season
4 Birds That Symbolise Life
4 Attitudes Ephesians, 7 in Whoms, 5 Shall Nots.
4 Attitudes of Believers In Our Lord Yeshua
4 Types of Gates. And 4 Types of Men.
4 Bible Studies on Backsliding
6 Facts About Life
6 Things That Accompany Our Salvation
6 Things that are Precious To God And Us
7 Voices Of The Lord
7 Truths and Characteristics of Gods Word
7 Negative with 7 Positive Commands
7 Fellowships Of The Saints
7 Perfections Of God
7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross
7 Exhortations, 3 Things of the Heart, 7 Aspects of Believers
7 Holy Cities of Israel
7 Points for us to Learn from Psalm 90
7 Scriptures Showing Jesus's Obedience
7 Truths in One Verse
7 Valleys in Scripture and their Life Lessons
8 Names and Titles of Yeshua in 1 John
10 Heresies
12 Things That Are Eternal
The Book Of Revelation
Revelation Picture Gallery
Bible Study on An Introduction to the Book of Revelation
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 1 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ'
Bible Study On The Seven Churches - Introduction & Index
Bible Study On Church at Ephesus – Revelation Ch. 2 vs. 1 – 7
Bible Study On Church at Smyrna – Revelation Ch. 2 vs. 8 – 11
Bible Study On Church at Pergamos – Revelation Ch. 2 vs. 12 – 17
Bible Study On Church at Thyatira – Revelation Ch. 2 vs. 18 – 29
Bible Study On Church at Sardis – Revelation Ch. 3 vs. 1 – 6
Bible Study On Church at Philadelphia – Revelation Ch. 3 vs. 7 – 13
Bible Study On Church at Laodicea – Revelation Ch. 3 vs. 14– 22
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 4 'The Throne Room of Heaven'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 5 'The Lamb and the Seven Sealed Scroll'
Bible Study on Revelation Chs 6-19 'The Tribulation and the Seventy Weeks of Daniel'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 6 Ch. 8 vs1-5 'The Seven Seals'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 7 vs1-8 & Ch. 14 vs1-5 'The Sealed Servants'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 7 vs9-17 & Ch. 15 vs1-4 'The Tribulation Saints'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 8 vs6-18, Ch. 9 & Ch. 11 vs15-19 'The Seven Trumpets'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch. 10 'The Mighty Angel with the Little Book'
Bible Study on Revelation Ch.11 vs1-14 'The Two Witnesses'
Bible Study Notes on Revelation Ch12 'The Woman and the Male-Child and the Dragon'
Bible Study Notes on Revelation Ch13 'The Two Beasts' - Verses 1-8
SN 1 A Suggested Chronology of the Great Tribulation Period
SN 2 The Harpazo - A Summary
SN 3 Timeline of Biblical History
SN 4 The Sevens in Revelation
SN 5 New Testament Churches
SN 6 Chart - The Letters to the Seven Churches - Structure Summary
SN 7 Parallels between the Letters to the Seven Churches and Paul's Church Epistles
SN 8 Parallels between the Letters to the Seven Churches and the Kingdom Parables
SN 9 It Is The Last Hour - A Significant Sign - Apostasy
SN 10 Ephesus Maps
SN 11 Smyrna Maps
SN 12 Polycarp's Prayer
SN 13 Pella - The Flight to Pella
SN 14 History of Rome
SN 15 Pergamos Maps
SN 16 Thyatira Maps
SN 17 The Pagan Chronicles
SN 18 History of the Papacy
SN 19 Sardis Maps
SN 20 The Once and Future Church - Home Fellowships
SN 21 The Reformation - A Review
SN 22 Philadelphia Maps
SN 23 Crowns
SN 24 Laodicea & Hierapolis Maps
SN 25 Inscription from a German Cathedral
SN 26 The Gems on the High Priest's Breastplate
SN 27 The Camp Of Israel
SN 28 The Kinsman Redeemer - The Book of Ruth
SN 29 The Destiny of Israel - The Missing Key of 'Systematic' Theology
SN 30 Israel God's Timepiece
SN 31 The Coming Prince - Sir Robert Anderson
SN 32 A Suggested Chronology of Holy Week
SN 33 Pictorial of Daniel's 69 Weeks - A Bookmark
SN 34 Pictorial of The Times and Fullness of the Gentiles - A Bookmark
SN 35 The Ethnicity of The Antichrist
SN 36 The Two Beasts of Revelation 13 - and 'the prince who is to come'
SN 37 The Prince That Shall Come
SN 38 Warfare Technology and the Nature of Modern Warfare
SN 39 The Encroaching Darkness
SN 40 The Coming 5th Horseman
SN 41 Multi-Dimensions in the Millennium
SN 42 The Myth of the 'Ten Lost Tribes'
SN 43 Division of the Promised Land to the 12 Tribes of Israel
SN 44 Sweetness and Bitterness
SN 45 The Temple in Jerusalem
SN 46 The Third, or Tribulation, Temple
SN 47 The Mazzaroth - God's Design in the Heavens.
SN 48 Israel's Place of Refuge
SN 49 The Time Of Jacob's Trouble
SN 50 The 'Antichrist' in Scripture
SN 51 The Revived Roman Empire (Rome II)
Bible Teachings and Sermons
Bible Teachings and Sermons Picture Gallery
A Challenge to Full Consecration
A Disciples Growth In Grace
A Great King who Transgressed before the Lord.
A Morning and An Evening Devotional
A Picture of Saints of the Past
A Prayer Of Repentance To Receive Eternal Life
A Psalm for Atheist's
A Summary of the Epistle to the Galatians
A Word in Season about Biblical Lamps
As He is, so are we in this world
Aspects of Human Behaviour that are an Abomination to God
Bible Study Guidance
Bible Study on Rev Ch. 1 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ'
Blessings for the Penitient
Comparing Psalm 26 and Psalm 51
Counterfeits In Scripture
Disciples in the Endtimes
Discipleship Living
Discipleship Readiness
Discipleship - True Discipleship
Finishing Strong and Avoiding Pitfalls
Foods and Idols
He Careth for You
He Went a Little Further
The Intercession of Christ
Joshua - God's Command and Message
Keep Busy - Waiting
Messiah Our Priest
Mounting Up With Wings
Our 17 Promises within the 23rd Psalm
Our Blessed Hope in The Lord Yeshua/Jesus
Our Calling as Believers
Our Impregnable Position In God
Our Life of Prayer
Our New Life in Him
Our Pilgrimage to Jerusalem foretold
Our Spiritual Health-Check
Our Walk and Talk
Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians AD 56
Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians Written in AD 48
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians AD 61
Paul’s Letters to the Thessalonians
People Estranged from God
Peter's 5 Resurrection Reminders
Proclaiming the Gospel
Psalm 22 The Suffering Of Messiah
Psalm 22:16 – The Crucifixion
Psalm 84 - The Pilgrims Psalm
Rest, Reflect, Renew.
Sacrifices acceptable to God
Satan as the Supreme Fraudster Scammer
Search Me, O God
Sermon on Offence
Seven Promises for the One New Man - Jew and Gentile
Seven Quotations from the Book of Isaiah concerning the Messiah
So Near Yet So Far Away
The 4 Freedoms in Romans
The 8 Sets of Triplets in Romans 5:1-20
The 12 C’s of being a Jewish or Gentile Disciple
The Archangel Gabriel
The Believers Confidence
The Believer's Hope
The Book of Ecclesiastes
The Cepher of the Prophet Yoel/ the Book of Joel
The Concept of God's Truth
The Concept of Love in the First Epistle of John
The Days Ahead - Until He Comes.
The Easy Yoke and the Light Burden for Disciples
The Five Parts of our Salvation
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Great Offering of Messiah
The Humility of our Lord Yeshua
The Iron Axe Head that Floated
The Lamb in The Book of Revelation
The Lame Man Made to Walk
The Mathematical Odds re Fulfilment of Prophecy
The Meaning and Definition of Covenant
Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Path of the Wise and the Unwise
The Responsibilities of Believers
The Resources of God’s Children
The Righteousness Of God's Saints
The Saints Progress In Grace
The Seed Is The Word Of God
The Sevenfold Ascriptions of Praise To The Lamb
The Sevenfold Privileges Of Gods People
The Ten Resurrection Appearances of the Lord
The Triumph of Faith
The Throne of Christ the Lamb and the Cross in Heaven
The Work of the Word of Adonai
Thy Throne O GOD Hebrews 1 vs 8-9
This Man
True Discipleship
What the Messiah Yeshua is to Us
Why Pray When You Can Worry
Who and What is a Christian
(End Times Teachings)
Eschatological Picture Gallery
2 Key Words For The Last Days
4 Last Things
5 Groups in White Raiment
12 World Disaster Events.
A Crisis Age for this World
A Fake World
A Wake Up Call
Amos's Time Era and Ours
An Overview of Endtimes Events to Come
Are You Ready
Antichrist in 2 John
Devilish Demonic Words!
Enoch - a candidate for rapture
Enoch our Rapture Prototype
Eternal Chains for Sinners
Faith & Hope
Godly Living in a Wretched World
God's Enemies Defeated and Israel Delivered
God's Warnings
He Cometh
HEAVEN - The Eternal City
How Do We Live In Dark Days
In the Latter and Last Days
In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Israel and Hamas a Biblical Understanding
Israel Under Attack
Last Days - The Encroaching Darkness
Living in The Last Days
Preaching in Vain
Pride - The Deadly Sin
Psalm 83
Revelation - The Coming 5th Horseman
Reviewing and Understanding Current Events
The Armour Of God
The Beginning of Sorrows
The Blesséd Hope
The Blood Of Yeshua
The Book of Revelation - Chapters 6 and 9
The Days of Noah
The Days In Which We Live
The Doom and Destruction of Sodom
The End Of Days
The Endtimes Disciple as a Soldier
The Gog and Magog War in Israel
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Reasons for the Great Tribulation
There is an Endtimes Generation!
Hebrew Prayers, Blessings, Feasts,
Teachings and Insights.
Hebrew Picture Gallery
Akel Dama (Field Of Blood)
A Midrash On Psalm 23 - 10 Expository Teachings
A Midrash on The Perfect Servant
A Sabbath Devotional
A Sabbath Meditation
Aaronic Blessing
Blessings for Communion
Blessings for Readings
Daily Prayer - Morning & Evening
El Shaddai - God Almighty
Hebraic roots teaching on Jerusalem
Hebraic Praise and Worship
Has The Ekklesia Replaced Israel
His Hebrew Names are Wonderful
Israel's 5 Calls from God to Repent
Israel's Next Great Prophetic Events
Israel's Remnant
Israel's Restoration as a Nation
Jerusalem - City Of God
Judah and Solomon
Ki Mitziyon - A Prophetic Blessing
Messiah in the Psalms
Messiah and The Rejected Chapter of the Prophet.
Our Lord and His Titles in The Holy Bible
Prayer from Ephesians
Shalom - A Word Study
Sh'ma Yisrael Prayer
Shabbat Meeting Prayer
Tefillat-Yeshua - The Lord's Prayer
Techiyat HaMeitim
The Aaronic Benediction
The Angel Jehovah
The Anti-Torah History of the ‘Church’
The 5 Books of Moshe (Moses)
The Book of Obadiah - The Cepher of the Prophet Obadyah
The Book of Zechariah
The Name of YESHUA (JESUS)
The Names of Israel in the Holy Bible - Part 1
The Names of Israel in the Holy Bible – Part 2
The Names of Israel in the Holy Bible – Part 3
The Levitical Offerings And Us
The Lord's Prayer in Hebrew
The Meaning of Yod, Hei, Vav, Hei.
The Promises of God towards Israel
The Set and Appointed Feasts of Yehovah
The Songs of Israel
The Tanakh Prophets Still Speak
Tisha B'av
Two Messianic Psalms
Understanding the Tri-unity of the Godhead
What Jews Have Written About Jesus of Nazareth.
We are the Elect shel Elohim
Yeshua was Anointed Three Times
Yeshua, the House of God and the Gate
Yeshua L'Adam shel Tefilla
Yeshua's last 18 hours
Yisrael - Past, Present and Future
The Minor Prophets
The Cepher of the Prophet Amos/ The Book of Amos
The Cepher of the Prophet Havakuk/The Book of Habakkuk
The Cepher of the Prophet Hoshea/The Book of Hosea
The Cepher of the Prophet Miykayahu/ The Book of Micah
The Cepher of the Prophet Nachum/ The Book of Nahum
The Cepher of the Prophet Tsephenyah/ the Book of Zephaniah
The Cepher of the Prophet Yoel/ the Book of Joel
Tu B’shevat – The New Year for Trees
Tu B'shevat
Tu B’shevat The New Year for Trees
The Feast of Purim
The Book of Esther in the Holy Bible
3 Interesting Facts about Queen Esther
A Midrashic Exposition of the Book of Esther
Facts about Purim
Purim - The Historical Background
Purim Prayer Blessings
Purim and The Church Age
The Book of Esther
Typology - How to Approach the Throne
Pesach (The Feast of Passover)
and Hag Hamatzot
(The Feast of Unleavened Bread).
Passover Picture Gallery
A Midrash on Exodus 12 and 1 Peter 1
He is Risen - Luke 24 verse 6
He Went a Little Farther
Notes on the Afikomen
Messiah and the Matzah Bread
O Yerushalayim
Our Passover Verses
Passover - Exodus 12
Pharaoh verses Elohim
The 4 Cups of Passover
The 8 Food Elements of the Passover Table
The 10 Plagues in Egypt
The Colt of an Ass
The Historical background to Passover and Unleavened Bread
The Man Crucified with Messiah
The Results of Messiah's Atonement
The Truth about Easter
The Two Laws of Passover
Shavuot (Pentecost)
Shavuot Picture Gallery
Shavuot - Pentecost info
Shavuot - Pentecost
Shavuot - Revelation of the Holy Spirit
Rosh Hashanah ve Yom Teruah
(Head of the Year/Jewish New Year and Feast of Trumpets
Rosh Hashanah ve Yom Teruah Picture Gallery
An Interesting and Possible Time Line on the Rapture
Eight Biblical Trumpets and their meaning for Israel, the Church and the Nations
Rosh HaShanah - The Feast of Trumpets
Rosh HaShanah – The Festival of Trumpets
The Fall Feasts of Yehovah
The Glorious Rapture
The Blowing of the Shofar Ram Horns
The Times and Seasons
The Trumpets of Alarm and Activity
Yom Kippur - Day Of Atonement
Yom Kippur Picture Gallery
Yom Kippur or the New Covenant
Yom Kippur - The Modern Observance
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur - Shul Prayer
Yom Kippur - The Holiest Day of the Year
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement - Bible Study
Sukkot - Feast Of Tabernacles
Sukkot Picture Gallery
Sukkot - A Prophetic Promise of the Millennium.
Sukkot - Ceremonies / Feast of Tabernacles
Sukkot - The Events of This Great Feast
Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Chanukah - The Feast Of Dedication
Chanukah Picture Gallery
Chanukah - Sermon
Chanukah - The Feast of Dedication
Channukah - The Historical Anti-Semitism of 168BC
Apologetics (To answer, to reason or defend)
Apologetics Picture Gallery
Answers to Islamic Reasonings
Contradictions within The Koran/Qu’ran
Islam and the Quran
Surah 46 verse 9
What the Koran/Qur’an states about Jesus
Creation or Evolution
Creation or Evolution Picture Gallery
Creation Facts for our Faith
Creation or Evolution - Bible Study Notes
Creation or Evolution
Creation Plan and Design by God
Genesis chapter 1 - Creation
The Creation of Man
The Human Body
Recommended Creation Resources
Creation Research Australia
Ask John Mackay
Creation Research UK
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