Creation or Evolution

The reason the earth is perfect for life is as the prophet Isaiah reminds us, that the Lord God Almighty, both created it and made it to be inhabited (see Isaiah 45:18-19). Therefore, it had to and has all the right physical and chemical properties needed to sustain life.

Natural forces such as sunlight and ocean currents cannot create life which requires genetic information. Molecules randomly bashing into one another under the influence of light and flowing water will never make anything including DNA.
We would also like to remind evolutionary teachers that the earth was only perfect when God the Creator had created it and completed it and then declared it to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31). This fact is true and very reasonable as starting with a ‘big bang’ and everything eventually coming into order is just foolish thinking from the minds of men. Of course, these men do not want to accept a Creator who is Holy and true, who is all knowing and all seeing, perfect in all he does and His laws and whose teachings are for the good of mankind. Sadly, man has rejected the Creator and Sustainer for their own thinking and fanciful ideas. There is good science and bad scientific thinking!

Those who want to believe that God used evolution to create, need to be reminded that the processes ascribed to evolution, e.g., natural selection, survival of the fittest, only result in death and destruction, and cannot be called “very good”. These processes only came into the world after man sinned and God judged the world. This is one of the most serious problems of the belief of theistic evolution. Time and chance are sadly not the answer!

Since then, it has degenerated significantly as a result of human sin and God’s judgement, and is now a tragic mixture of good and bad. The vampire finches, along with the other animals and birds struggling to survive in the harsh conditions included in David Attenborough’s series, are a classic example of this. In the beginning, when the world was perfect, all animals were given plants to eat. In that very good world, there would have been plenty of nutritious plant food, such as nectar, fruits and seeds for the original created finches to eat. It was only after the world degenerated, especially after the devastation of Noah’s Flood, that finches had to scrape up a living in harsh conditions like the Galapagos Islands. Those that ended up on tiny barren islands used whatever resources they already had to find food, which means those that already had sharp beaks could extract blood from other birds. Those that didn’t have sharp beaks died out when there were no seeds or insects to eat. This is natural selection and the struggle for life at work. These are real processes, but they are not creative processes, and they won’t make anything evolve. They are destructive processes that can only eliminate those living things that are ill equipped for the struggle in a particular environment.