Creation or Evolution - Bible Study Notes


We either have Plan and Design by God or the process of Time and Chance by Man!

The two great enemies of the Gospel are Theistic Evolution and Philosophical Theories. Both are of human origin; both are the thoughts of men directed through the doctrines (teachings) of demons who want to confuse to lead away from the authority of God’s Word. Man is a fallen creature separated from his Creator who does not want to accept God’s authority in all matters. Of course, doubters will immediately point to the evidences of the various sciences, geology, palaeontology, biology etc.

We shall examine all these over our studies and by searching out (using midrash) to contrast and compare the Scriptures, the Facts for our Faith will shine forth.  As it is written ‘the truth will set us free’ and ‘the rocks shall cry out’ the praises of our Creator God, Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Scriptures teach us to examine the root and test the fruit of all things. We are going to see that some men suppress (or hold back) the truth in unrighteousness – Romans 1:18. We are also warned by Peter in his epistle to watch out for false teachers which includes false science or facts. (2 Peter 2:1-2)

Faith is imparted to us but we also have a historical basis for faith. The many believers and biblical teachers who then wrote books based on the scriptures and the evidence seen.

The best that man can do is – “I thought and so I know!” It is sadly all in the minds of men!

Paul the Apostle wrote – “For I know the One in whom I have put my trust!” 2 Timothy 1:12.


The scriptures contain much wisdom and our Lord’s parable about building on solid rock and not sinking sands is very apt. Again, we can read pure wisdom in Psalm 11 verse 3 – ‘if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?’ This then is what has happened to the Church, she has adopted the teachings of men instead of the bedrock of Holy Writ. As believers maturing into disciples, we must recognise the authority of God’s Word which has never been disproved. So, it comes down to either believing God or believing men whose teachings have changed over the centuries. God’s Word has remained steadfast and true over the ages. Doubters doubt, and believers believe.
So you either have a biblical view or a world view depending on whose authority you accept. We cannot compromise and conform as that leads to error, contamination and corruption sadly follow. There is one God and one way, one path of thought that conforms to Scripture and not what men think! There is a battle going on for truth, there is a battle going on for souls. The Devil is a liar and comes to rob and steal and from the beginning he cast doubt over God’s Word and has done so ever since.

The opening chapter of the Bible stands diametrically opposed to the various humanistic philosophies.

The believer takes his stand on solid rock (biblical truth) and not on the shifting sands of human opinion. The bedrock of the Holy Bible is our position and we can answer as follows:

  1. In opposition to Atheism (disbelief) – In the beginning God.
  2. In opposition to Polytheism (many gods) – In the beginning God.
  3. In opposition to Pantheism (everything is God) – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  4. In opposition to Materialism (nothing exists but matter) – Let us make man in our image.
    NB. Man has a spiritual nature.
  5. In opposition to Evolution (everything has evolved and still is evolving) – After its kind
    Nb. This expression occurs 12 times and locks each kind into its own category.
  6. In opposition to Naturalism (pure natural basis or realistic method that excludes the spiritual) – In the beginning God created
    Nb. Matter is not eternal, second law of thermodynamics.
  7. In opposition to Nihilism (no order of things) – And God created and blessed. Nb. Man is more than a machine operating within a meaningless system.
  8. In opposition to Existentialism (to continue being, mode of existence) – And God said (10 times), And God saw (7 times), the evening and the morning were (6 times). And it was so (Genesis 1:30).

There is then a historical basis for our Faith. The Holy Bible deals with concrete facts seen around us.

The Edenic Covenant.

Key Verses: Genesis 1:28-31; 2:8-17.

1. This is the first of ‘8’ Covenants within the Holy Scriptures.
2. A Covenant is an agreement or contract between God and mankind or Israel.
3. Each Covenant is normally self-contained, self-explanatory and exclusive.

The Edenic Covenant is concerned with man’s life in the Garden of Eden (Gan Eden).


(A) Man’s duties explained via:
Parental – Multiply and fill the earth.
Pastoral – Adam was to be both a gardener and a guardian.

(B) Man’s diet explained — it was to be a strictly vegetarian diet.

(C) Man’s domain explained — Adam was given dominion over God’s creation.

Note the threefold aspect from a triune God.


Only one — not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.

The Adamic Covenant.

Key Verse: Genesis 3:14-19.

The Adamic Covenant was given to Adam after the Fall and is concerned with the new conditions imposed by God within a sin cursed world.


  1. NEW LAWS.


The Curse: –
1. On the serpent.
2. On the soil.

The Calamity: –
1. On the woman – sorrow and subservience.
2. On the man – sorrow and sweat.



  1. Here is the first prophecy of our Saviour – The Seed of the woman.
    2. And the first provision of a substitute – the sinners clothed with skins.



(A) Cherubim were placed in Eden as a barrier to the Tree of Life.

(B) God and man were now separated through the barrier of sin.