Eight Biblical Trumpets and their meaning for Israel, the Church and the Nations

Introduction:   Within these 8 trumpets we will see soteriological and eschatological elements and then in blue a twofold picture or an analogy or double meaning of our life in Messiah Yeshua our Lord and Saviour, King of kings and the Lord of lords.  

  1. The Trumpet of GatheringNumbers 10:2-3. ‘Born again’ believers – Church Meetings.
  1. The Trumpet of AdvanceNumbers 10:5-6. Evangelism – sharing the Good News (Heaven or Hell).
  2. The Trumpet of BattleNumbers 10:9 and 1 Cor 14:8. Biblical Doctrine – Creation and The Gospel. 
  1. The Trumpet of VictoryJoshua 6:4-5; Judges 7:18. Salvation and Sound Doctrine. 
  1. The Trumpet of GladnessNumbers 10:10. Ps 98:1-9. Zephaniah 3:6, 9, 12-13, 19-20. Joy and Celebration. 
  1. The Trumpet of SanctificationJoel 2:15-18. Holiness of Life. 
  1. The Trumpet of WarningEzekiel 33:1-7. Joel 2:1-2. Revelation chapters 6-19. The Great Tribulation Period of 7 years, His Second Coming, then Hell and finally the Lake of Fire. 
  1. The Trumpet of Resurrection and Transformation1 Cor 15:52-55. All Eternity but first The Bema Judgement Seat, then the Millennial Rule of our blessed Lord Jesus.


“Bo Adonai Yeshua, Bo.”

“Come Lord Jesus, Come.”