Midrash - The Jewish Way To Exegete

The Holy Scriptures.


The 5 Main Rules –


  1. The P’shat – the simple rendering.


  1. The Drash – to search out, to compare and contrast the Tanach verses.


  1. The Remez – a hint, a picture to illustrate and illuminate the Scriptures.


  1. The Sod – a hidden or secret meaning.


  1. The Allegorical – parables, analogy, metaphors, symbols to convey a moral lesson. Examples are:

        The Shepherd Psalm – Psalm 23.

The Grape Vine – Psalm 80:1-14.
God’s Vineyard – Isaiah 5:1-7.
The Great Eagle – Ezekiel 17:1-10.
The Lioness – Ezekiel 19:1-9.

The Bread of Life – John 6:26-51.
The Sheepfold and Shepherd – John 10:7-9.
The Vine – John 15:1-7.
The Christian Foundation – 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.
Hagar and Sarah – Galatians 4:21-31.

The Armour of God – Ephesians 6:10-17.