A Bible Study On Salvation


It is interesting just how many truths there are in sets of 3 that we can study. Clearly this shows us the inspiration, the inerrancy and the infallibility of the Lord God Almighty in having the Holy Scriptures recorded to guard, guide and grow us in every facet of human life as we walk by faith in Him.

We then have the –       3 E’s of Grammar in Spiritual Teaching.

Exhortation – an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.

Edification – The moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone.

Encouragement – The action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. To persuade to do or to continue something.

But then we have the –               3 E’s of Fleshly Teaching.

Entertainment – An event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others. This is ‘a theatrical entertainment’

Excitement – A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.

Error – a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech: belief in something untrue; the holding of mistaken opinions. The condition of believing what is not true, a moral offense; wrongdoing; sin.

So, we have within the Body of Messiah those whose teaching is Word based and then those who teach to tickle ears. See Matthew 24:24; 2 Timothy 4:2-4. 


Three Wonderful Truths

Concerning the Lord Jesus Christ in John 1:1.

  1. His Eternity – “In the beginning was the Word.”
  2. His Personality – “The Word was with God.”
  3. His Divinity – “The Word was God.”


Three Great Facts.

In Ephesians Chapter 1.

  1. We were chosen by God, the Father – verse 4.
  2. We were redeemed by God, the Son – verse 7.
  3. We were sealed by God, the Holy Spirit – verse 13.


Three Great Truths.

In 1 Peter 1.

  1. Redemption gives us a New Owner – verse 18.
  2. Righteousness brings us to a New Position – verse 19.
  3. Regeneration imparts to us a New Life – verse 23.


Three Great Truths for the Christian.

In the Epistle to the Romans.

  1. No Condemnation in Christ – Romans 8:1.
  2. No Separation from Christ – Romans 8:35.
  3. No Reservation for Christ – Romans 12:1.


A Threefold Work of the Holy Spirit.

Described in Romans chapter 8.

  1. The Spirit of Lifeverse 2 – Giving Freedom.
  2. The Spirit of Sonshipverse 14 – Giving Guidance.
  3. The Spirit of Intercessionverse 26 – Giving Help.


Three Crucifixions.

Spoken of in Galatians 6:14-16.

  1. Of Christ – “The Cross of our Lord Jesus.”
  2. Of the World – “The World Crucified to Me.”
  3. Of Self – “I to the World.”


Three Requests of the Lord Jesus.

  1. “Watch with Me”Mark 14:37.
  2. “Remember Me”1 Corinthians 11:24.
  3. “Follow Me”John 21:19.