Hebraic Roots Teaching on Jerusalem

Holy Writ gives us the facts, figures and future. Jerusalem is unchangeable and she becomes a burdensome stone as God declares to all through the Prophet Zechariah who try to change or destroy her.

Jerusalem is God’s earthly city with land given to His chosen people and He has placed His name there. The Hebrew letter ‘shin’ (In Judaism ‘shin’ stands for Shaddai – God Almighty) is seen in the topography of the city area with the lines of the valleys showing His imprint of the letter ‘shin’ as the God of Israel. [The Valley of Ben Hinnom, the Tyropoeon Valley, and the Kidron Valley]. 3 is a very significant number! The letter ‘shin’ is placed on most door post ‘mezuzahs’ – the container with the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:6) inside.  

This letter has three semi vertical strokes joined with a horizontal bottom line. It takes the form of three ‘vavs’, each with a ‘yud’ on top, these rise from a common base point forming symbolically a letter that looks like a flame – the flame or fire of God. His fire can be holy and cleansing or hot and catastrophic on whom it falls. His fire did not consume the bush – a type of Yisrael which means ‘he who struggles with God’. Their struggle is coming to an end, the world will soon be ruled by a Jew as the Lord Immanuel and King over all. Yeshua promised He would return to rescue His people and restore God’s creation.

The Lord when He returns will bring restoration upon Israel as a nation and Yerushalayim will be the centre and capitol of His reign and rule of peace, protection and prosperity. There will be no more wars or tooth and claw. The animal kingdom will be at rest. The lion will lie down with the lamb, it is written. 

Until eyes are opened spiritually and cold hearts are warmed with His love the Goyeem will struggle and kick against the goads! There will at the end of the day only be the ‘one new man’ Jew and Gentile one in Messiah. The Lord Yeshua/Jesus will reign and rule with perfect peace and every knee shall bow before Him. It is written and thus shall it be, Amen.