1) His Rank – Son of God, His Deity. Hebrews 1:1.
(His Pre-eminence is proved by 6 quotations from the Psalms 2:2-12, 22:14-18, 24:7-1, 34:11, 20; 40:7,19; 69:21 and one from 2 Samuel 7:16. A type.)
2) His Revelation – Son of man, His humanity. Hebrews 2:6.
(‘made a little lower than the angels’)
3) His Rule – Son of David, His Sovereignty. Hebrews 2:8-9.
(‘all things in subjection under His feet’)
4) His Role – Son of Abraham, His nationality. Hebrews 2:16.
(‘He took hold of the seed of Abraham’)