Our Calling as Believers

  1. We are called out of Darkness – 1 Peter 2:9.
  2. We are called by Grace – Galatians 1:15.
  3. We are called sons of God – 1 John 3:1.
  4. We are called unto Fellowship – 1 Corinthians 1:9.
  5. We are called to be Saints – Romans 1:7.
  6. We are called into Liberty – Galatians 5:13.
  7. We are called to Eternal Glory – 1 Peter 5:10.


Our Threefold Manner of Life.
  1. Godly in relation to our Lord – 2 Timothy 3:12.
  2. Soberly in regard to ourselves – Romans 12:3.
  3. Righteously in respect to the world – Proverbs 2:20.


Abound in these Four Attributes.
Abound in Faith unto utterance, knowledge, love, grace – 2 Cor 8:7.
  1. Abound in Hope unto joy and peace – Romans 15:13.
  2. Abound in Love unto knowledge and judgment – Philippians 1:9.
  3. Abound in every Good Work – 2 Corinthians 9:8.


We are to Continue in these Foundational Truths.
Continue in the Grace of God – Acts 13:43.
  1. Continue in the Faith – Acts 14:22.
  2. Continue in Prayer – Colossians 4:2.
  3. Continue in the Love of Messiah – John 15:9.
  4. Continue in the Things Learned – 2 Timothy 3:14.

Revelation 22:13. “And behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me,

to give every man according as his work shall be.”  
