Our Lord and His Titles in The Holy Bible.

These are the main ones used:-

Adon olam asher malach – The Lord of the universe. (He who reigned before anything was created).

Olam hazeh – this world. (He who reigns and rules over His Creation).

Olam ha ba – the world to come. (He who reigns forever with His elect).

Elohim L’khol L’rosh ve K’doah Yisra’el (God Head over all, Holy One of Israel, the Greatness on High).

El Shaddai – God Almighty.

Elohim Chayim – Living God.

Ehyeh asher Ehyeh – I Am that I Am.

Ram V’nisa – High Exalted One.

Kadosh shel Yisra’el – Holy One of Israel.

HaG’dulah BaM’romim – The Greatness on High.

El HaKavod – God of Glory.

El Elyon – God Most High.

El Gadol – Great God.

Melekh HaM’lakhim – King of Kings.

Adon Kol Ha’Aretz – Lord of All the Earth.

Adonai Ha’Adonim – Lord of Lords.

Adonai Echad – The Lord is One.