Our Vision


Our Vision – Cuidich ‘n Righ (Aid the King)

This Scottish saying is the insignia of the Highland Regiment. It speaks volumes of what we are about. This motto means to aid, to serve and support, to follow and obey the King and so we as disciples truly only have one eternal King to serve – Melech shel Melecheem, Adonai Yeshua – The King of Kings.

Since inception as a Fellowship in April 2021 we have come a long way and so it is important for us to take stock of what we as a Fellowship of Jews and Gentiles are – ‘one in Messiah’ – Ephesians 2:14.  For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation.’ This then is for us all to pray about and to grasp our vision. ‘For without a (redemptive) vision the people perish. Proverbs 29:18.

Door Duty: –

For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.    Psalm 84:10.

This is the first of our aids unto the King. Therefore, how saints are greeted is of the upmost importance and so those on duty reflect the spirit of the Fellowship.

Worship Team.

After opening in prayer and a short reading and then proclaiming the Shema – ‘The Great Declaration’ Deuteronomy 6:4. Our worship team take over for some 40 minutes of leading the Congregation/Fellowship in singing to one another in – Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs. Ephesians 5:19.

As a congregation we should obviously pray for the worship team, for harmony, cohesion and growth in the Lord. We want to see additional musicians who are gifted and want to serve. The elders want to see growth which is biblical, so in the years ahead our vision is to see those gifted joining the team. We want to see those who can play a variety of instruments joining us in the Lord. The violin, the flute, the keyboard, the guitar, the harp, the trumpet and the tambourine all in harmony and working together as one. The enemy truly hates worship unto the Lord and so we must see true biblical unity in prayer, love, harmony and gifting being used. New songs and new musicians are essential as we grow in the Lord.


This is a very special time of gathering around ‘His table of Remembrance’ and so it is our custom each week to make this the centre of our gathering in Him. This then is a time of reflection, remembrance, repentance, renewal and restoration in Yeshua/Jesus who is our High Priest and Lord. We are the only religion that has a true relationship with the Living God in this world. We have a risen Saviour and Lord and so we come into His presence to remember and give thanks that our sins are forgiven, that Satan, death and Hell have been defeated.     

Preaching and Teaching.

For around 40 minutes we are taught the Word of God that changes and guides, grows and guards us, becoming more and more His disciples. Those who are dedicated to follow and to serve the King of Kings.

We are about the whole counsel of God. Acts 20:27.


Shabbat School.

In due course as we grow, we shall follow the pattern in the Scriptures. From childhood Timothy was taught ‘the faith once and for all delivered.’ Once again, we must pray for the cohesion of the little ones being brought up in the faith. We should pray for those who are dedicated and called to aid those young in the faith, they are the Fellowship of tomorrow.

Bible Study.

This is another facet of meeting together and growing in love, harmony and discipleship, truly being one in the spirit. Patience, understanding and a teachable heart are key elements of this ministry as the enemy seeks to divide.

Currently we are using Zoom but the day will come when we can meet in homes under the supervision of the eldership.


Finally, we have the 7th aspect of the Fellowship and our mandate to spread the Gospel (The Glorious Good News) to all that we come across. A considerable part of our tithes and offerings are used in producing our own leaflets along with purchasing Bibles and other leaflets to be used by the outreach team each week.

Our spiritual battle cry is ‘Forward ever Forward’ and ‘Onwards and Upwards.’